Category: History

The Doomsday Fish Phenomenon: Oarfish Sightings, Myths, and Scientific Truths

The oarfish’s recent appearance in Mexico is a reminder of humanity’s enduring fascination with nature’s mysteries. While cultural myths add richness to our world, they should not overshadow scientific inquiry. Rather than fearing the “doomsday fish,” we can marvel at its beauty, study its ecology, and focus on evidence-based strategies to safeguard our planet.

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Diwali celebrations in India: History, Legends, Traditions, and Regional Customs

One fascinating adjacent topic to explore is the significance of sweets and treats during Diwali. The festival is not just about lights and decorations but also involves preparing and sharing a variety of traditional sweets like ladoos, barfis, and jalebis, symbolising joy and celebration. Each region has its specialty, making […]

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